Dillon Shook
Autodidact & Zero One Infinity Advocate
Location Boston, MA
Interests Programming, Photography, Cooking, Game Development, Reading, Guitar, Running, Travel, Never having enough time...
This Site Made with Astro, Cloudinary , and many many hours of writing, styling, editing, breaking things , fixing things, and hoping it all works out.
Education B.S. Computer Science, New Mexico Tech
Contact site at dillonshook dot com
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What Do You Think 2030 Will Be Like?
September 19th 2024
I want to take a crack at predicting the future half because I think it’ll be fun to look back on this post (hi future self, hope you’re doing well! 👋) and half because I think it’s important to periodically take some time to pause, reflect, and plot your future trajectory. And in order to plot where you’re going it’s helpful to look ahead and see what kind of terrain you’re dealing with.
1703 words
~9min read
The Best Software Development Lifecycle
September 12th 2024
How to optimize how your company goes from idea to execution with many steakholders
3083 words
~15min read
Change at the Highest Level Is Impossible
September 5th 2024
Think about how hard it would be to get all of humanity to agree on and learn one language. It’s impossible right? Even if we made contact with aliens who told us they would destroy the planet unless we all learned one language it’s still not going to happen. Coordination at that scale is out of humanities grasp right now and even getting a group of people to agree on anything is rough.
402 words
~2min read
Where Did All the Tech Bloggers Go?
August 30th 2024
The other day I noticed I don’t follow any tech bloggers personally anymore. Some of that may be the rise of social media and aggregator sites filling the void but the bigger reason I think is that I haven’t been seeking out individuals to follow since around the time Coding Horror stopped blogging regularly. It’s a bit of a shame really since I think you can learn a lot by following individuals and seeing their own progression arc.
623 words
~3min read
Failing Upwards Again
August 13th 2024
My journey building BreezyTerm over 4 months and it's sudden demise
1232 words
~6min read
Planned App-solescence
February 27th 2024
Today is both a good day and a bad day. Bad because I finally have to come to terms with the game I spent four years making is no longer available on the App Store or the Google Play Store which effectively means you can't run it anywhere anymore. The bittersweet part is that it's given me the excuse to open source the game as well as my previous game project Solaria Tactics.
882 words
~4min read
Tradeoffs in Testing
May 17th 2023
I’m finally getting around to putting down in words the testing philosophy I’ve developed over the years. Some of it might rock the boat a bit, other parts may be obvious to some folks, but what I’d like you most to take away is a reflection on your own testing philosophy and the tradeoffs your making. There’s no free lunch.
1871 words
~9min read
Testing Next.JS with Cypress and Mock Service Worker
November 8th 2022
If you’re running a Next.js app and want to test it with Cypress you probably noticed a problem when it came time to test a server side rendered page. There’s no built in way to mock out requests made in getServerSideProps. When I ran into this and searched around for solutions I found this article that has a good explination of the problem (and diagrams), but I wasn’t satisfied with any of the solutions.
2983 words
~15min read
14 posts
Starting is the Hardest Part
Starting Something New
The Pseudocode Programming Process
This Post is Cursed
Why AB Test If You Can ABCD Test?
What Do You Visualize While Programming?
How Do You Pronounce oklch?
2024: A Blog Odyssey from Ghost through Hugo to Astro
What Do You Think 2030 Will Be Like?
The Best Software Development Lifecycle
Change at the Highest Level Is Impossible
Where Did All the Tech Bloggers Go?
Failing Upwards Again
Planned App-solescence
1 post
Tradeoffs in Testing
3 posts
Testing Next.JS with Cypress and Mock Service Worker
What it Takes to Make a Game by Yourself
What language am I writing again?
4 posts
How Hard is your Email to Say?
Your Reach is More Than You Think
A Critique of React Hooks Addendum
A Critique of React Hooks
1 post
The Asynchronous Journey